结合's five-tier Peace Pagoda was designed by architect Yoshiro Taniguchi.


Experience San Francisco's 结合—a neighborhood where east meets west and old meets new—through the eyes of its business owners.

San Franciscans take pride in everything about their city; even more so when it’s something that can’t easily be found anywhere else. 作为美国仅存的三个这样的社区之一.S.,我们的 结合 骄傲地坐在那一类.

San Francisco's 结合 may be one of the city’s smallest neighborhoods, 但它对食物很重要, 文化, 和传统. It’s also a neighborhood that’s taking a chance on the next generation, determined to remain 城市的中心 适合所有年龄和背景的人.





结合’s history is plainly written in its neighborhood businesses. 有些人在 最古老的持续经营机构 在城市里. Soko硬件 自1925年以来一直存在. Phil Ashizawa represents the third generation of his family to run the store.

最初, Soko was focused on serving the local residents; but, 正如菲尔解释的那样, 多年来, there was increasing tourism in the area and an interest in the 日本 文化.” The store began to expand its inventory to include the items that stoked visitors’ curiosity, like 日本 woodworking tools 和传统al kitchen utensils. Phil continues to source these items, despite a growing scarcity. “即使在日本,传统的东西也越来越难找到了.”

Phil Ashizawa是日本城Soko硬件的老板

Restauranteur Masao Kuribara represents the fourth generation to run his family business, Hinodeya. 不像菲尔, 谁在贝博体彩app的日本城出生长大, 正雄在东京出生和长大. 他是怎么找到去海湾边城市的路的?

“贝博体彩app是一座创新之城,他说, which made it the perfect proving ground for Hinodeya’s unique dashi ramen on the other side of the Pacific. Masao credits San Franciscans—“people who have [a] sense of the diverse”—for his success. “I took up the challenge, and I opened the first dashi ramen restaurant in the United States.”


The next generation of 结合 business owners isn’t shy about taking on challenges, either. San Francisco native Jeremy Jong, culinary director and partner at Pa 'ina餐厅 & 休息室, ignores the naysayers who have questioned the city’s vibrancy, post-pandemic. “San Francisco’s historically been a place that’s been very resilient,他说. “日本城无疑是非常非常有弹性的.” The young, energetic, and karaoke-singing crowds at Pa’ina on a given Friday night prove it.

“我真的很自豪能在我成长的城市有自己的生意, in a neighborhood [where] I’m honestly very excited for the future.”



无论你是否想吃拉面, 寿司, 或者更意想不到的事情, 你可以在日本城满足你的食欲. 发现惊人的选择在所有的价格点.



亚洲流行文化, 尤其是韩国和日本, 以前所未有的方式在美国庆祝. 电视节目和音乐表演打破了语言障碍. 动漫和漫画不再被认为是书呆子或小众. There’s a hunger for products and styles from that part of the world, and the Japan Center Mall is the best place in San Francisco to find them.

“I’m really, really excited with the resurgence of the Mall,杰里米说。. 吸引年轻的人群, the shops and restaurants inside have given a new spark to this old anchor of the neighborhood.

Step outside the Mall’s doors and you’ll find yourself in the 结合 Peace Plaza. This public space has been the center of neighborhood celebrations, including the 北加州樱花节 以及二本町街头集市.

日本城一年一度的樱花节上的鼓手 资料来源:贝博体彩app旅游协会

“People are visiting,” Masao says, “because [they] want to feel the 文化.” In the eyes of someone born in Tokyo, San Francisco’s 结合 is as authentic as it gets.


Young and old alike recognize that while 结合’s appeal has grown, 它的文化不再是单一的. “你有日本人, 我们带来了夏威夷-波利尼西亚的一面,杰里米说。, “但还有韩国人. 我们对面就有一家印度餐馆.” This mix of Asian influences isn’t seen as lessening the neighborhood’s character; rather, 这是一个积极的变化.

“I feel it’s a great representation of the San Francisco Bay Area as a whole.”



在日本城的边界之外, you can see the influence of San Francisco’s 日本 people and history at the gorgeous 日本 Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park.



“A lot of the older 日本 population that used to live here have moved out,” notes Phil. 然而,他并不担心人口结构的变化.

“I think the restaurant scene here definitely attracts a lot of young people,” he adds. “我很欣赏这种混合.”


杰里米完全同意. “I like the fact that we bring a good amount of diversity to the neighborhood.”

甚至作为下一代塑造日本城的先锋, 杰里米理解它的历史和社区的价值.

“Without it, you’re missing a very essential part of San Francisco.”

结合’s challenges are those of a small community magnified to a citywide, 国家, 甚至在全球范围内. 无论是在21世纪20年代出现前所未有的大流行, 20世纪60年代有争议的城市发展, or the forced relocation of a number of its residents—including Phil’s grandparents—during World War II, 日本城经受住了考验. It’s a small but mighty, consistently beating heart of the city.



A crowd enjoys food and drink along San Francisco's Valencia Street


想要像当地人一样生活? 短期租金 Airbnb, VRBO, and other platforms are available in almost every neighborhood of San Francisco, 让你有一个更真实的体验. 为你的旅行风格和预算找到完美的选择.


泰勒是老大. 全球内容经理 & 贝博体彩app旅游公司的通讯部. He has lived in San Francisco since 2015 and has been part of the San Francisco Travel team for just as long. He enjoys splashy production numbers and outdoor sporting events equally, which means you can usually find him at one of San Francisco’s many great theaters or at Oracle Park, 为巨人队加油.