
Miss San Francisco Catherine Liang

通过进取的凯瑟琳·梁的眼睛看贝博体彩app, the current Miss San Francisco.

If you want to have a truly genuine San Francisco experience, then you have to consult the experts: our friendly locals. 知识渊博的, 充满激情的, always ready with a recommendation 为 what to do, 看到, 或吃, San Franciscans of all types have been part of our ongoing “我对贝博体彩app的看法” 系列.

凯瑟琳·梁是湾区本地人,一位年轻的金融女性,现任贝博体彩app小姐. 他在索诺玛县长大,从南加州大学毕业, Catherine rooted herself in San Francisco.

Catherine’s social impact initiative is "To Be a Champion of Courage.“在最近的健康挑战之后,她开始了这个项目,并利用大流行期间的休息时间创建了一个在线支持者网络. 她希望通过服务和展示整个贝博体彩app的人们和企业, 她可以激励其他人无畏地生活,勇敢地追求自己的抱负和梦想.

我们向凯瑟琳询问了她在贝博体彩app最喜欢的东西, what she thinks every visitor should experience, what's still on her bucket list.

Which neighborhood, other than your own, do you like to explore?

One of my favorite places to explore is Telegraph Hill. 无论是沿着哥伦布大道吃美味的意大利菜,坐在华盛顿广场公园,还是跑到 屁股塔 to catch the sunset 和 watch the city lights illuminate, it definitely captures the lively spirit of SF. 


A day of eating in 唐人街 would require a bottomless stomach!

I’d kick things off by lining up at 好旺角面包店 还有芝麻红豆麻糬丸子和油炸甜甜圈条. 它们是经典之作,配上一碗热气腾腾的鲜榨豆浆非常美味.

If you have a sweet tooth, you must stop by AA面包店 & 咖啡馆 to indulge in the 看到mingly endless line of sweets. 我最喜欢的是蛋挞、核桃饼干和松软的芝士蛋糕.

For a kick of Szechuan spice, stop by Z&Y 为 their famous tea-smoked duck, white fish simmered in what 看到ms like a red sea of chilis, scallion beef pancake rolls. 这些都是令人难以置信的怀旧菜肴,我在中国探亲时总是喜欢吃.

最后,如果你有空间(当然,波波总是有空间的),来拜访一下 易纺 为 some authentic Taiwanese Fruit Tea. For a memento of your day of fun, stop by the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory. 向老板问好, 凯文, 还有他的家人,看着他们把小薄饼变成美味的幸运饼干!


If you’re lucky enough to snag a 金门面包店 egg tart, you’ve definitely got 为tune on your side. Another incredible establishment is 黄利面包房. 我记得在我成长的过程中,我总是乞求父母给我一个王力的公路旅行蛋挞. 

一定要抬头看一看两座标志性建筑:星冲和星发. 这些建筑是1906年地震后第一批建成的. 当你沿着格兰特大道漫步到其他小巷时, 一定要去当地的杂货店看看,那里有很多卖异国风味和美味的水果和蔬菜, 美味的烤肉, childhood sweets that will be sure to impress any of your friends.


我喜欢户外活动,迫不及待地想和朋友们坐在贝博体彩app的露天广场上 公园 在日落时看电影. I would love to take a day to hop on 和 off the 缆车 和 climb some of the many iconic 陡峭的山坡. 在一天内尽可能多地检查地标会很有趣, from the Palace of Fine 艺术 to 和 屁股塔, 到市政厅和 荣誉军团. 当然,我很乐意邀请来自城市另一边的朋友在屋顶上吃顿日落大餐!

Where do you indulge your artistic side in San Francisco?

The Palace of Fine 艺术 holds a special place in my heart. 在我八岁生日的时候,我记得我的祖父母从上海来看我. 我们坐在石壁上,一边喂天鹅和鸭子,一边吃着美味的草莓奶油蛋糕. It’s since become one of my favorite places to take photos.

What's your favorite annual event that happens in San Francisco?

恶魔岛游泳! 我在游泳比赛中长大,一直钦佩那些冒着寒冷和开放的水域游泳往返的人 阿尔卡特拉斯岛. It still is one of my SF bucket list items.

Where 和 what would you choose 为 your last meal in San Francisco?

调色板茶馆. 不仅是业主, 丹尼斯梁, 和 his staff so incredibly kind 和 generous, but Palette has become one of my absolute favorite 点心 经历. I love that you can get such a variety of dishes. From their lobster-butter har gow to their Iberico cha siu, 到颓废的松露鸭油炒饭配上美味的蒜蓉黄油, this is a feast 为 the memories!

Which restaurant is still on your list to dine at in San Francisco?

我想试试 Ju-Ni 寿司, Tartine工厂 糕点, 利霍利霍游艇俱乐部 在夏威夷, 百合 对于泰国, 洛杉矶的位置,看得我目瞪口呆传教风格的墨西哥卷饼, 儿子 & 花园早午餐!

Where do you like to view sunrise 和 sunset? 你最喜欢的城市景观是什么?

奇怪的是,我最喜欢的日出地点实际上是我的办公楼. Being on the 41st floor, we get some spectacular views of the 金门大桥 as the skies turn cotton c和y pink 和 blue. My favorite sunset spot would be the top of the Lyon Steps. 一些最好的有利位置包括鱼雷码头,可以欣赏到SF天际线的美景, 或者顶部 双峰 on a clear day 为 a straight shot down Market Street to the 渡口.

你是个旅游迷. If you have a free day or even a long weekend, 桥那边有哪些你喜欢去的地方? 


What’s one part of San Francisco that you wish visitors knew about?

情人的车道. 如果你喜欢新鲜的空气和多风的桉树树林,这就是你的地方. 感觉就像童话的入口,非常适合阳光明媚的漫步!

Tell us about a time you felt most at home in San Francisco. 

我最喜欢的度过星期天的方式之一就是沿着克里西菲尔德(Crissy Field)晨跑,然后在菲尔兹咖啡(Philz Coffee)的卡车旁停下来,喝一杯舒适的姜饼咖啡(Gingersnap Coffee). 我喜欢带一个热水瓶回家,坐在我们公寓的屋顶上欣赏日出. 住在这样一个美丽的城市里,看着雾卡尔从桥上滚过,真是一种福气.

Any final advice 为 visitors coming to San Francisco? 

Explore as many neighborhoods 和 districts as you can. While the iconic l和marks are beautiful, 每个社区都有一个明确的特征,与相邻的社区有很大的不同. 我相信这是你作为当地人真正了解这座城市的唯一途径. Be sure to ask questions to people you pass by. 你会发现这座城市非常友好,你可能会交到一个新的贝博体彩app朋友!

你可以跟着凯瑟琳走 Instagram 和 YouTube.



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