
Nightlife At San Francisco Bay Area Museums

贝博体彩app一些最热门的夜生活可以在其令人难以置信的博物馆中找到. Find out more!

夜幕降临后,贝博体彩app有很多吸引游客的地方:引领潮流的餐厅, world-renowned performance venues, and bars and nightclubs that cater to every crowd. 但你知道吗,贝博体彩app湾区的博物馆是一个难忘的夜晚最热门的景点之一? 看看下面的完整列表,看看在享受乐趣的同时学习一点东西的最佳机会.

Asian Art Museum 

200 Larkin St.

On Thursdays in the mid-winter through fall, the Asian Art Museum stays open to 9 p.m. 游客可以欣赏特别的展览,有趣的谈话和与艺术家本人的接触. 酒水在现金吧台供应,dj们不停地播放音乐. Schedule: Thursdays, 5-8 p.m. Admission: $5 after 5 p.m. Surcharges may apply for special exhibitions.

California Academy of Sciences 

55 Music Concourse Dr.

A new adventure unfolds every Thursday night at California Academy of Sciences. 不用离开大楼或鸡尾酒,你就可以探索海洋和星空. 听现场音乐或听前沿科学的演讲. 一切都在这里,有额外的季节性特色菜和团体/私人活动的选择. Schedule: Thursdays, 6-10 p.m. Admission: Ticket prices can vary by event. Open to adults age 21 and older.

Chinese Historical Society of America Museum

965 Clay St.

The Chinese Historical Society of America Museum 这个国家最古老的组织是致力于美国华人的历史和贡献的吗. 博物馆全年都会举办特别的晚间活动. www.chsa.org


Pier 15 Embarcadero at Green Street

After Dark at the Exploratorium 结合了画廊、剧院和歌舞表演的各个方面,为游客创造了独特的体验. 每天晚上都有不同的主题——从音乐到性再到电——但都有一个现金酒吧, live music, and access to hundreds of interactive exhibits. 你还能在哪里找到一个能激发成年人智力的游乐场呢? Schedule: Thursdays, 6-10 p.m. Open for ages 18+. Admission: $19.95. 

Museum of Craft and Design 

2569 Third St.

Opened in 2004, the museum 提供围绕工艺和设计的创新展览和节目,吸引和刺激游客. Evening programs for adults are frequently offered. Check the museum website for full details.

Oakland Museum of California 

1000 Oak St., Oakland

Just a short ride across the bay is the Oakland Museum of California, which combines art, history, 以及自然科学来讲述加州不断演变的特征和身份. On Fridays, 博物馆在晚上还提供适合家庭的节目, with hands-on activities, live music, and a variety of food and wine vendors. Schedule: Fridays, 5-10 p.m., beginning Apr. 5, 2024. Admission: $16 general admission for adults; ages 8 and under are free. Food and beverage prices vary.

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art 

151 Third St.

The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art is open until 9 p.m. every Thursday evening. However, throughout the year, 找一些特别的节目,比如为期三周的现代电影迷你电影节. 由贝博体彩app现代艺术博物馆和贝博体彩app电影学院联合主办, 现代电影院在贝博体彩app现代艺术博物馆的菲利斯·瓦蒂斯剧院放映电影. 该系列通常集中在一个单一的导演和/或类型. In partnership with the San Francisco Public Library, SFMOMA还提供每月的公共知识系列. 聆听来自湾区城市文化的各种各样的演讲者讨论今天的公民生活. 特别讲座和演讲也经常被安排作为当前展览的一部分. Schedule: Open until 8 p.m. every Thursday. Admission: Reserve tickets now; free for 18 and under. 

Tenderloin Museum 

398 Eddy St.

这座城市最新的博物馆庆祝了它最被忽视的社区之一. 这是一个大熔炉,举办了该市一些最具历史意义的活动 Tenderloin Museum 庆祝塑造了这个社区和世界的个人. 特别活动详情可在博物馆网站上找到.

Yerba Buena Gardens 

760 Howard St., Terrace Level

让你的文化在贝博体彩app的芳草地附近与艺术,食物和饮料. Take a walk around Yerba Buena Gardens 参观附近的画廊和博物馆,拿起你的腕带,在参与的酒吧和餐馆享受通宵的快乐时光. Schedule: Third Thursday of every month, 5-7 p.m. Admission: Free.

Yerba Buena Center for the Arts 

701 Mission St.

作为连接观众和艺术节目的全国公认的领导者, YBCA 并提出特别倡议,培养本地艺术家, provide youth education, 为社区成员创造独特的体验. Events covering the visual and performing arts, 全年都提供电影、录像和公民参与. Visit their website for a full schedule.

Author Brenda Tucker
Brenda Tucker

布伦达·塔克是贝博体彩app旅游艺术营销总监. She has lived in San Francisco since 1998, 她开车穿过乡村来到一户人家,没人见她. Brenda enjoys swimming out-of-doors year-round, being inspired by the incredible art scene in the City, and living in the best place on earth.